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Hearing God

“The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land that I will show you” (Gen 12:1).

“How will I know if he or she is the one?” Or, "How can I know the voice of the Lord?" These are common questions  that those seeking to be married and Christians in general ask. When the subject of marriage comes up, for some reason, hearing from the Lord becomes crucial.  That is because people are afraid of making a mistake in this particular area of their lives. But the answer remains the same: the way He speaks to you about the other areas of your life is the same way that He will speak to you when it comes to marriage.  Because, like your loving earthly parent, He is interested in every aspect of your life and wants to guide you accordingly. 

Abraham received instructions from the Lord regarding his life that were both very specific and unambiguous. He was to leave his family, leave his homeland and go to a land that the Lord would show him. The Lord still speaks today.  He is alive and is always speaking to reveal His will and plan. Choosing to speak to us is also His way of establishing His relationship with us (John 10:27-28). He speaks to His children primarily through His written word.  Every time you read or listen to His word, He is speaking to you.  And His intention is to guide and instruct you in the way that you should go. He may also speak through some other channels,  like your  dreams, your conscience, a word of advice, a book, message, etc.  Regardless of the channel He uses to communicate with you, it must always confirm or align with what He says or reveals in the written word.  This is your surest test in knowing if He is the one speaking to you or not. By training your heart and mind to value the written word of God above any other knowledge, encounter, or experience, you can cultivate a reverence for God and for His word.  Additionally, this will shield you from  lying spirits and dishonest people who desire to mislead you with their incorrect teachings (Eph 4:14). His word is your anchor.

When was the last time that you listened to what He had to say?

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, I believe that you still speak today.  I ask that you help me to honor your written word more than any other channel, in Jesus name.

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