“And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think” (Rom 12:2).
A new way of living
The Apostle John states that the surrendered life is not a call to leave the world and enter a religious camp, nor is it a call to import and rebrand these ideas, attitudes, and practices that once held us captive (John 17:14-15).
It is a completely new way of life, and loyalty to a new system of government.
It is an invitation to imitate Christ, who is present in us and who shines most brightly in our roles as parents, grandparents, and guardians, among others, in this dim and fleeting world.
Because even though we have been delivered from the grip of evil and placed in the Kingdom of His dear Son, there is still the external pressure to uphold the customs, principles, and belief systems around us.
Growth and change begin with one’s thinking or perception. You cannot grow, excel or change in any area of your life or pursuit beyond your thinking and understanding. Your reasoning and thought processes play a major role in who you are and where you are at this moment.
If your view of life as a Christian is the same as that of your unsaved neighbor or colleague, meaning that you think that success and true life are determined by your accomplishments, family name, social, religious, and business connections, your great job, your nice house, your nice car, your child's prestigious school, regular summer vacations, etc., then your thinking is shallow.
On the other hand, if you believe that all these things are all of the devil and carnal, and that true Christianity is about a debased life, bombarded by religious activities with no fruits to show, nor time for yourself and those you love, then pardon me, but you are also self-righteous, ignorant, and dishonest. Because anyone who has been there knows that there is nothing pleasant about constantly struggling to make ends meet or not having one's basic needs met.
We do need ‘these other things’ as our Lord rightly pointed out (Matt 6:32,33). They are all necessities of life, given to us by our loving Father for life and enjoyment. We understand that these 'other things' do not define us, nor do they determine our purpose in life. It all depends on the way we see and think about these things.