Hello! I am Ijeoma
I am overjoyed that you discovered me here! I am a wife and a mom. In addition to all the other hats I wear, I am a chaplain and a coach for personal development, leadership, and life.
Over thirty years ago, an encounter with God changed my life forever, setting me on a path that I remain eternally grateful for. And now, I genuinely think that being able to encourage and empower others to live and share this good news of His incredible love, strength, goodness, and grace during this time in my life is an honor. I am amazed at what the Lord can do in and with a life given to Him for His use.
Your staying with us here would be a pleasure as we work to share the good news of God's glory with individuals and families, from one generation to the next.
My friend, companion, role model and cheerleader
The vision...
My friend Patrick and I have been married for almost twenty-seven years. And we have served the Lord for over three decades. We are graciously blessed by the Lord with five stunning gems (two females and three males).
Our vision is to provide the right knowledge and tools to the Lord's servants so they can be more productive and fulfilled in their lives, homes, and callings.
Being a mother and having worked for a number of decades, first as a children's evangelist and as a high school student fellowship coordinator, I came to realize how instrumental parents and guardians are to a child's overall growth and development. It was this revelation that inspired me to write a book for parents and guardians; (Mom, Dad, which way, a book that focuses on raising a child with the right vision).
This understanding also gave birth to Raising Children God's Way, an initiative designed to encourage and support parents and guardians on their journey of raising responsible, purpose-driven adults.
Additionally, as a couple, we are aware of how humble, thrilling, and difficult leadership can be, having held various leadership positions. Armed with this wealth of experience gained from leading and being led, as well as specialized training acquired, we are happy to help you make your leadership experience more strategic and impactful.
We believe in the family...
According to God's word, the family remains the oldest and most influential institution.
The home in which we were raised as children shaped a significant portion of who we are today. For this reason, we cannot ignore or downplay the family. It is the birthplace and nurturing ground of great leaders and visions. Sadly, it is also the place where potentials were destroyed, and destinies twarted. Because whatever is conceived in the home will eventually find its way into the church, society, and the world at large.
As such, it is essential that we, as parents and guardians, do everything within our power to ensure that our homes continue to serve as suitable environments for shaping and nourishing the lives and futures of these young ones.
In a nutshell...
Through rich and engaging articles and resources, the Journey of Generations site exists to support and encourage you, dear parent, guardian, and leader, in your quest to live a more impactful life as you achieve a healthy balance in your life, family, and calling/career.
One more thing...
Relevant Media
As media practitioners for over three decades, we have added some resources and tools pertaining to media that you, your organization, business, or your child's school will find significant and pertinent.
So, whether you are a parent, a leader, or someone who wants to maximize their potential, this is a place where you can get a lot of encouragement, support, and inspiration.
Once again, thank you so much for stopping by!
God bless you!
Ijeoma M Anyanwu
As we reach the unreached, and provide relevant tools to encourage and support leaders, individuals, and families.
For over three decades we have been committed to seeing the gospel preached to the unreached peoples. By the grace of God, we have seen lives transformed and equipped with relevant media tools to live and serve the Lord more effectively.
Our desire continues to be that more people will have the opportunity to know Jesus Christ the redeemer, experience the abundant life that Jesus died for us to have, and be discipled and equipped with appropriate tools to serve the Master. We invite you to pray about becoming part of this vision!