A Dream Come True
"Lot chose for himself the whole Jordan Valley to the east of them. He went there with his flocks and servants and parted company with his uncle Abram" (Gen 13:11).
Years ago, I left home as an ‘offended’ nineteen year old, propelled by a desire to prove to my dad that I did not need his money to become who I needed to be.
Alongside that motivation came the determination that I could go above and beyond to achieve my goals and fulfil my dreams. However, a few days after I crossed the war-torn Liberian border into Sierra Leone, a neighboring country, it hit me that it took much more than a childish, uninformed desire for a young girl with no home, adequate skill, or source of income to succeed in a strange land, among total strangers.
When Lot was asked by his uncle Abraham to choose which direction he would go, he took a long look at the fertile plains of the Jordan Valley in the direction of Zoar. Everywhere looked nice and green, like the garden of the LORD or the beautiful land of Egypt. This was the opportunity that he may have been waiting for to prove that he was his own man. It may also have been his opportunity to show his uncle that life in the Jordan Valley actually held better prospects than living near the quiet oak grove belonging to Mamre. The reason Lot chose to live among people who were considered to be extremely wicked is not entirely clear to us.
It may be that there had been frequent discussions about the advantages of the entire family moving to the Jordan Valley, including the possibility of their businesses expanding rapidly with the increased visibility. And perhaps having failed to convince his uncle then, this split finally presented him with his dream-come-true opportunity. So Lot moved in the direction of Zoar. Sadly, in his zeal to pursue the life of his dreams, he missed two crucial aspects of his uncle's life:
Like Lot, we all have a propensity to believe that our own discernment, wisdom, strength, charisma, and business sense have made us prosperous, successful, and spiritually relevant.
As a result, we conduct our lives as if we were in complete control; we make the decisions and look to the Lord for His endorsement. Many of us have encountered challenging and awkward circumstances as a result of this. The Scriptures tell us that there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof is death (Prov 14:12-16). What seemed to young Mr. Lot like winning a jackpot turned out to be his and his family’s undoing years later. This is a reality that can be true for any person who decides to live life on his or her own terms. Being a true follower of the Lord means living in complete surrender to His will and plan for your life. It is allowing Him to reveal His plan and then trusting Him by aligning your heart, mind, words and actions with it. It is a life that is all about pleasing the Lord, not yourself.
What decision are you making now based on how promising things appear? How can you ensure that your decision has a positive and lasting impact on you, your family, and your career?
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