"When they came to the land of Canaan, Abram traveled through the land as far as the site of the Oak of Moreh at Shechem. And at that time the Canaanites were in the land"
(Gen 12:5b-6).
My well thought out plan
Barely three years after I accepted the call to full-time ministry in 1996, I made a decision that, in order to better prepare for ministry, I should go back to Liberia for further studies.
With the approval of my leaders, a plan was set in motion. I left the city where I worked in the middle belt of Nigeria and travelled down to Lagos, in the south of the country. With the help of my sister, I processed the documents I needed and secured a space on the ship that was sailing to Monrovia, Liberia. After spending two nights at the Warf, waiting for our vessel, I finally stood excitedly on the line as I waited to board the ship. There were less than fifteen of us left. Hundreds had already boarded with their luggage and goods. It would soon be my turn…“ the ship is leaving!” Bellowed an anxious voice. “How is that possible?” The people before and behind me asked in bewilderment . “"Perhaps it is the waves," I pondered. But alas! It was not the waves; because as we stood watching, the ship began to pull out of deck. It was like a dream.
Some thought about leaping from the deck onto the ship, but decided against it because it was a bit of a distance. “This has never happened.” I hear some one say. I watched in absolute shock.
His loving Plan
Determined to follow through with my plans, I sought out another option; I got in touch with a very good friend of my dad’s. He was very happy to have me join him on an ECOMOG chopper headed to Liberia the following week. I was overjoyed! But as I prepared to retire later that night, I heard a quiet whisper, “ Won’t you pray about this?” Sensing it was the voice of the Lord, I decided to pause everything in order to understand what He was saying.
Going ahead with
your personal plan
instead of seeking
the Lord for His plan
is the surest way
to place a limitation
above and around yourself.
His voice, to me, had become like that of a much adored father and commander-in - chief; it should always be given priority above all else. With the help of my colleagues with whom I was lodged, I booked a room at a guest house in order to seek the Lord’s face. On the first of the three days that I had planned, I again heard that quiet voice speak to my heart as I read His Word, “Stay here in this land and I will bless you. I will take care of all those you left behind. And if you need to see any of them, I will bring them to you. You follow me.” I was initially taken aback by how swiftly He had spoken, but after that, I was overcome with a deep sense of brokenness and love for the Lord, who had intercepted my presumptive plan. I stopped every plan I was making and promptly returned to my base to follow His plan. Four months later, I was engaged to my future husband, A little over a year later, we were married and had our first child eleven months after our wedding. And true to His promise, I have had visits from all but a few family members from Liberia. I even had my youngest sister, who was still in the womb when I left Liberia in 1990, visit with us in Nigeria. What a joy it was to see her! I have also seen myself continue to grow and mature in every area of my life, family, and ministry. The Lord has proven true to His promise.
Choosing your plan
Despite the odds, Abraham chose to set aside his personal ambition to follow the Lord's plan and went on to become the father of many nations. It must not have been an easy choice, considering that he was already a married senior with a large household and established businesses. However, he considered the One who called him more honorable and faithful. And he looked forward to a city with foundations whose architect and builder was God. Nothing else mattered. Going ahead with your personal plan instead of seeking the Lord for His plan is the surest way to place a limitation around and above yourself. Such a choice would not necessarily result in an instant judgment, burning in hell, or you being unable to provide for your family. However you would have forfeited an opportunity to grow and mature beyond who you are now and what you are presently doing. Additionally, your chances of having a significant impact would be limited to what you can accomplish, what you can afford, and what your circumstances permit. There will be no room for the supernatural.
The Lord’s instructions are always for more growth and more fruit. Jesus said in John 15:8: " When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father," The Lord never wants to put you through hardship or embarrass you; He always has your best interests at heart when giving instructions or revealing His plan.
Whose plan are you working on at the moment? Yours or His?
Prayer: Father, I choose to trust and obey you, because your thoughts concerning me are always of good and not of evil. To give me a hope and a future in Jesus’ name.
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