One-on-one coaching with Ijeoma Anyanwu

Cheering You  On To Live Your Best Life

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Feeling unfulfilled and out of balance with life, family, and career? Do you want to live a life that is more intentional, more productive, and not just one where you live paycheck to paycheck or from one program to another? Do you feel like you are losing momentum and want to level up? 

Carlos Wallace, a motivational speaker, youth advocate, philanthropist, and award-winning television and film producer, said, “Occupy your thoughts with purpose, and you will be so busy pursuing a meaningful future there will be no time for doubt, chaos, and disappointment.”

Pursuing your goals

Pursuing your goals and aspirations is never easy. It is usually a bumpy ride with many highs and lows, wins and losses, but in the end, it is worth the while. 
Here's the thing: what distinguishes those who fulfill their life's purpose and have a greater impact from those who don't?
They're not afraid to do more, try new things, and keep tweaking their strategies until they see results. They embrace the risks!

The trap called "what if?"

Most who fail to achieve anything often hide behind the "what-ifs." What if it doesn't work?  What if the funds do not come in? What if no one shows interest or buys it? What if, despite everything, my child still does not end up the way I had hoped?

"What if " is  the language of people who miss out and end up regretting it.
Playing it too safe is a timid way to go about life, don't you think? Tell me, what's not risky?
Starting a project or business?  Hiring or recruiting new staff? Making that transition?  Saying, "Yes, I do?" 

Life is risky!

Moving into anything new is risky!

You may be asking yourself, "How in the world can you take those chances without running into ditches along the way?"  To be honest, life is risky. And there is no guarantee that you won't.
 But understanding your "why" is key.  Why are you here?  What do you see yourself doing?  And where do you sense that you need to be headed? What is the overarching purpose that seems to be tugging at your heart? If your "why" and what  are not crystal clear, your motivation will  continue to waver like a flickering candle.

Good news is here!

The good news is that you can know these, and more assuringly, you do not have to do this all alone. 

One-on-one coaching with  Ijeoma Anyanwu will provide a safe place for you to think and move towards your desired change. Yes, you will experience a very noticeable change.

Read what one of my clients wrote about his coaching experience: 

"Our coaching session was that of a team working together to support and encourage me to do well in my field of calling as a husband and a pastor.

I was faced with the burden of building lasting kingdom minded friendships as well as maintaining existing relationships. You opened my eyes to see the reason why some times friends may be for a season, but the Holy Spirit is our trusted guide to selecting our friends, because people come and go but the Holy Spirit remains with us at all times.  I remember how you made sure to support me in whatever the Lord has called me to do, being careful not to give me directions. 

By God's grace, I view you as my coach on the journey of life as a pastor and husband. I can boldly say you came into my life at a critical and strategic moment, a time that defines my future. I am glad to have you as my coach. Thank you, Coach."

Pst Andrew Ferdinand

You are the expert

When it comes to your life, you are the expert. This three-month (six-session) coaching relationship/partnership with Ijeoma Anyanwu offers you practical, paradigm-shifting, and solution-focused guidance that will enable you to:

  •  Increase your capacity for problem-solving, improve your performance, and speed up your results.
  • Overcome inertia and stagnancy as you set measurable goals and take the necessary steps to get there.
  • Optimize your time, resources, and opportunities while achieving that delicate balance in your personal life, family, and career.  

     If this looks like what you need, book here now and start levelling up your life and   leadership skills!  



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